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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if a language is supported?

Check the Fermyon list of "WebAssembly Support in Top 20 Languages". Ensure that the "WASI" column has a green checkbox.

Is Go Supported?

Go is not currently supported due to a lack of WebAssembly (WASI) support in the Go WASM implimentation as mentioned in the article Evaluating new languages for Compute@Edge. This is still the case as of May 2022.

Go WebAssembly does have good community documentation when targeting the web with Go WebAssembly, however stable support for compiling to the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) is still an open issue as of April, 2020.

That being said, tinygo may support building a Go SDK now. See more in the Enarx guide "WebAssembly with Golang" which uses the following command to create a WASI-supporting WASM binary:

% tinygo build -wasm-abi=generic -target=wasi -o main.wasm main.go

How does WebAssembly compare with Docker?

WebAssembly has some advantages over Docker including:

See more in this article "Will Cloud-Native WebAssembly Replace Docker?" by Michael Yuan and Yicen Xie.